Our Vision & Philosophy

The Value of Every Child

Little Footprints believes that children have been fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God and therefore are precious and of infinite value, no matter what race, skin colour, gender, appearance, or religion.

Unique Potential and Capabilities

Little Footprints also believes that children are unique beings that have a high potential and capability of understanding, learning, and achieving complex tasks. With our support, we will assist to actively promote their learning through worthwhile challenging experiences and interactions that foster high-level thinking skills.

Meaningful Educational Opportunities

We achieve this by creating meaningful and realistic learning opportunities guided by the children’s interests, previous experiences, biblical teachings, and EYLF. We create opportunities for children to explore, create, discover, and imagine through a fun-filled curriculum which will help them become advanced in their learning.

Holistic Development

At Little Footprints, we see the importance in shaping and guiding the children to reach their fullest potential in all areas of their lives and to support them in finding their purpose in this world. Some areas include:

  • Excelling in their education.
  • Adopting a nutritional diet.
  • Integrating basic biblical teachings with everyday life.
  • Learning about their emotions and how to mange and express them in appropriate ways.
  • Enjoying the beautiful gifts God has blessed us with: family, friends, nature etc.
  • Teaching them social skills to help in building confidence, make new friends, participate in groups, love and forgiveness.
  • Discovering where they belong and their identity as children made in the image of God.

Approach Rooted in Love and Expertise

With a starting point of believing all children are infinitely precious, this naturally shapes our approach to all other educational aspects to be done with a high level of love, care, and expertise.

A group of children arm-in-arm at Little Footprints Christian Childcare Centre